A Mind Engaging Faith
A major difference between Christianity and a number of the world's largest religions, is its focus on restoration to harmony of body, mind and spirit. The Way of Christ is not through mindless meditation to nirvana, or ascetic debasement of body, or humanistic rationalism of the pre-eminent mind. The biblical view is of body, mind and spirit as all parts of a whole, not fragmented.
However, the modern church seems to "put down" rational discussion as some-how not being "spiritual". One of the big criticisms young people have of the church, is that it doesn't address their questions. Where are the Christian thinkers and debaters in our churches? Articles like that of Tim Costello's on Community (Education Age 4/6/96) are few and far between. Why is the church afraid of 'development of human potential' - its humanistic background is no different than the majority of teaching in our schools and universities (all the more need to build-up the faith of and support our students)? Certainly we can never be put right with God through any work of our self (Gal.2:16), but we are called to love with all our mind (Mt.22:37), to have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ (Phil.6). Our mind must not become dulled, but be sharp, watching out for opportunities to help and love creatively, and watching ourselves that we are not deceived (Gal.6:1-7). We must not be ignorant of every gift and ability God has given us (1 Cor.12:1), but our intellect, like all the gifts is only of maximum use when grounded in faith, hope and love.
Let's take note of how the apostles argued, preached, taught and debated their faith in the highest courts of learning of their time.
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