Be Still and Know that I Am God

Do you have a dog like ours? Come nail clipping time, I have to wrestle it to the floor and put it in a neck/arm/leg lock, even to get near the nails. What parent wouldn't like a dollar for every time they have asked their child to "sit still". Isn't it true that so often the struggle against us is inversely proportional to the benefit trying to be achieved - hair cut, dentist, inoculation, splinter extraction, etc.

The same is so true spiritually - we have to "be still" for God to be able to minister to us. It's not always a conscious struggle against God, but often just being caught up in the rush of life. I've had a couple of weeks like this, with family health and pressure at work. God has had to remind me to "Be still and know that I Am God", "I Am the Lord who healeth thee".

Gen.2:2 "On the seventh day, God rested"
Ps.46:10 "Be still and know that I am God"
Mk.6:31 "Come apart and rest a while"
Ps.23:2-3 "...makes me lie down in green pastures...restores my soul..."
Isa.14:3 "The Lord will from their pain & suffering..."
Ps.116:7 "Return to your rest my soul, the Lord has blessed you..."
Heb.4:3 "We who believe, receive the rest that God promised..."


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