Becoming of The Gospel

Praise the Lord for the wonderful testimonies of those being baptised last week and this. Among the diversity of their stories, did you notice a common thread? In each case, a major influence, was the accepting, open, loving friendship of Christian friends. Unfortunately, the converse is also true: the most common reason for people giving up on Christianity, is being let-down by a Christian friend or minister, not living up to their professed standards.

As the bumper sticker says, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven". We must "lift Jesus higher", not put people on pedestals. We are called to "be holy, even as God is holy", yet it is not to be a legalistic "holiness", but born of our free-will love of the Father. Salvation through the death of Jesus sets us free from the enslavement of sin and legalism - but with freedom comes responsibility. We become as Christ to the world, to be seen, heard, observed, and judged.

Rom.8:2 "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus..."
2 Cor.3:17 "Where the Spirit is, there is liberty..."
1 Cor.8:9-13 "Take heed...your liberty...a stumbling block to the weak"
Gal.5:13 "Do not (mis)use your liberty...serve one another..."
1 Tim.4:12 "Despise not your an example..."
Phil.1:27 "...your conversation...becoming of the gospel..."
1 Thes.4:9-13 "...brotherly love...walk honestly..."


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