Divine Guidance
At this time of year, a mini-building boom occurs across Israel, as Sukkot (Tabernacles) approaches (Sept.20 this year). Councils prune trees and leave piles of branches on the road side for residents to use to make their temporary shelters or sukka. Even the newspaper real-estate sections advertise apartments with "a sukka balcony", so even high-rise city dwellers can have somewhere to sleep under the stars during the feast.
As we celebrate our church anniversary Temple Day, I was reminded of the Feast of Tabernacles. The children of Israel celebrate God's guidance (by the cloudy pillar of fire) and provision (with manna and water from the rock) as He brought them out of Egypt, through the Sinai desert to finally reach the promised land after 40 years.
As we celebrate our anniversary, lets remember that "Where God guides, He provides".
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