Doing comes out of Being
99% of the admonitions in the New Testament are for Christians to love each other. If we can really learn to love Jesus and each other, everything else that is supposed to happen will. If we learn to do that right, the world will be knocking on our doors.
The command to "love our neighbours as much as ourselves" not only applies individually but corporately. The Church does not exist for ministry, but rather to be the Body of Christ. And as the trinity loves itself, so must "the body", and that love is the measure of our love for the unsaved world. Our ministry must be an outgrowth of our being the Body of Christ.
(Selections from - "Living Together in a World Falling Apart" Dave & Neta Jackson)
Rom.12:5 "So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are parts one of another - mutually dependent on one another"
Eph.4:12 "His intention was the perfecting and full equipment of the saints, for the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body, the Church"
Jhn.10:15 "Even as the Father knows me, I also know the Father"
Eph.1:6 "All praise to God for His wonderful kindness to us and His favour poured out on us because we belong to His dearly beloved son"
Eph.4:3 "Strive earnestly to keep harmony and oneness of the Spirit in the power of peace
1 Ptr.3:8 "Be of one and the same mind, united in spirit, sympathising and loving each other as brothers, compassionate, courteous, tender-hearted and humble-minded"
2 Cor.13:11 "Be perfected, be encouraged, be of agreeable mind, live in peace"
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