Easy to Please but Hard to Satisfy
Two common traps Christians fall into are either thinking that God is easily pleased, or that God is so Holy that He can never be satisfied.
Like most deep spiritual concepts, the truth is that God is BOTH easily pleased AND hard to satisfy. Jesus said both "My yoke is easy, my burden is light" (Mt.11:30) and "It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle then to enter the Kingdom of God" (Mt.19:24). The key is that Christianity is not simply a state, a label or a destination (and categorising people as simply as either "Christian" or "non-Christian" exacerbates this fallacy). Early Christians were known as "Followers of The Way". "Disciples" are students enrolled in a period of learning. Whether "Taking up our cross" (Mt.16:24) or putting on "His yoke", we are called to follow Him on a "journey", a journey of growth - the Christian life.
Yes, signing up is easy. Yes, our heavenly father delights in the "finger painting" attempts of His children, and every achievement made along the way. But the road from "kindergarten" to "university" is long and difficult, but not impossible; for Jesus goes before and with us. Just take His hand and follow.
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