Empowered to be Witnesses

As we studied Jesus' reply to Nicodemus, his description of the movement of the Holy Spirit being like the invisible wind (John 3:8) reminded me of the sail-board riders on Lilydale Lake. As one who likes to keep his feet firmly on terra firma, I really admire people who can stand on a wind-surfer, manipulating the sail to catch the slightest breath of wind, to send them scooting across the surface of the water.

This in turn reminded me of some of Jesus' very last words before His ascension (Acts 1:8) "When the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be witnesses to me...".

But surely the disciples had been sent "witnessing" before? But this promise is additional - this is a promise of the ability to witness with confidence and power.

Like the sail-board rider, it requires practice to stand up, to set the sail of our life and mind to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit, and let ourselves be driven by that invisible power source.


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