God's Personal Struggle

Have you ever considered that God Himself has a constant personal struggle? It could even be called an enigma on the horns of a dilemma.

Martin Luther, the proponent of "Justification by Faith" was once challenged as to the true basis of Christianity, faith or righteousness. He responded "Righteousness" - our faith simply appropriates the redemptive work of Jesus in dying on the cross in our stead to satisfy God's basic righteousness - "The wages of sin is death".

Here then is God's dilemma in being both perfectly righteous and holy, and also infinitely gracious and lovingly forgiving. This is why prayer can be effective, why it is possible to ask God to turn away his righteous anger in favour of His grace.

Thus the enigma of Christianity is that it is both but neither legalistically (self)righteous, and unconditionally forgiving (all you need is love)!

Ps.85:10 "Mercy & truth are met together; righteousness & peace have kissed"
Lk.18:1-8 "A widow came asking...her persistence...justice to those who plead.."
Ps.103:17 "...mercy of the Lord is everlasting...His righteousness for-ever"
Lam.3:22 "Because of the Lord's mercy we are not consumed..."
Isa.48:9 "For my names sake, I will defer my anger"

Rom.9:22 "Doesn't God have a right to show His fury...He has been patient..."

2 Ptr.3:9 "...He is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish"


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