Member's Ministries #2

How can Christian missions reach the whole world, like China's 1,200,000,000 people?  How can the barriers of language, geography, politics and religion be crossed?

Far East Broadcasting Company is a Christian radio mission aiming to reach into the homes and hearts of people with the gospel.  With 800 employees in program production and engineering around the world, 6 transmitters broadcast about 300 program hours per day in over 141 languages to potentially 2/3 of the world's population.  Its effectiveness can be judged from the 600,000+ letters received from listeners each year, like the following from central Russia:-

"I accidentally found your station while scanning the shortwave band. Since then I have listened daily. Four months ago I obtained a New testament. I read it through three times. My whole life has changed. Suddenly I have a desire to do good to others, even my enemies.  I have no idea how to explain this, but one thing I know is that I believe in God"

The Chairman of the FEBC Australia council is our own David Atkinson. As FEBC Australia has only a couple of secretarial staff and two area representatives, David is involved in a fair bit of administrative work and travelling in his voluntary position.  FEBC Australia supports four missionary families overseas.

Acts 2:6 "...heard the believers speaking, each in his own language..."
Ps.22:27 "All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord"
Mal.1:11 "From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name shall be great among the gentiles"
Mat.24:14 "The gospel shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all"
Acts.28:28 "The salvation of God is sent to the gentiles and they will hear it"
Isa.66:23 "It shall come to pass...all flesh shall come to worship before me..."


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