No Sin Too Big, No Sin Too Small
One of my weekly chores at work, in proving our new system, is to assist the accountants in identifying and explaining any discrepancies in the weekly cash-to-sales reconciliation. Whether the discrepancy is $500 or 50c, it has to be tracked down what-ever the cost. At times it seems ludicrous to spend thousands of dollars to track down a few cents. But its a matter of integrity. Like the clock that strikes thirteen, not only is it obviously wrong, but it casts doubt on every other chime the clock has made.
In man’s relationship with God, there are two extremes. Some people, full of guilt, can feel that God could not possibly forgive the horrible things they have done. But the much more common and insidious problem is when people think that they are basically good, and that they have no need for their occasional, insignificant, indiscretions (or whatever euphemism for Sin you care to use) to be forgiven (1 Jn.5:17).
Both extremes are lies of the devil. ALL have sinned and come short of God’s righteousness (Rom.3:23, 1 Jn.1:8). Equally, God’s gracious love is so great that any sin can be forgiven if confessed and repented (Mt.12:31). Not only, but also, God’s righteous integrity is such that every sin must be confessed, repented and forgiven if we wish to live eternally in His presence (Jn.3:3, 1 Cor.6:9, Gal.5:21).
No sin is too big nor too small.
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