Not a Single Sparrow is Forgotten Before God
Thanks Carol D. for this quote. We were privileged in the past week to again witness the miracle of birth with the arrival of a litter of 8 puppies. Our concerns about whether the rather immature mother would cope with her 1st litter, were quite unfounded. Seeing her hovering over her "brood" then gently settle down and gather them all in to herself, and the very protective growl when we got too close, told us that she would protect them.
The same expression is used of the Holy Spirit "brooding" (moving) over creation (Gen.1:2). When the Holy Spirit is called our "comforter", it is not the comfort of an acquaintance, but the deep feeling of a "parent". Thank God this week for his continuing presence around us, protecting, comforting, guiding, nourishing, providing, "brooding".
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