On Being the Answer to Prayer
"Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone" - this is the philosophy of the world - of "fair weather friends"!
But Christians are called to march to the beat of a different drum. We are called to bear one-another's burdens for this is the "law of Christ". This is true religion. We even have Jesus' verbatim statement - "This is my command, that you love one-another".
But let's look at this from the side of the burdened - don't we all have our various burdens? Don't we pray to God for strength, healing, courage, support, encouragement, faith etc. Yet our Lord has commanded that these are the very things that we are to share with each other. Could I be so bold as to suggest that the answers to many of our prayers will/should come through the love of a fellow believer? Have you been the answer to some-ones prayers this week?
"Lord, open my ears to hear your call, and my eyes to see you beckoning. Help me discover your question, rather than look for the answer to mine. I prayer that I might be part of a solution than of a problem".
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