Open for Inspection

Last Sunday night, I was taken in a dream on a "tour of inspection". We visited many structures built on stilts over the sea. The inspection was specifically examining the condition of the piles. The weather and time had taken their toll. Some were still serviceable, whilst others had eroded to almost match-sticks. Then my own foundations were examined, and found in need of attention.

I was then shown the type of foundations required - concrete as hard as the sea bed on which they stood. I noticed a door-way or hatch in the side and asked the reason - the answer - it was an inspection hatch, and regular inspections were essential.

The interpretation is clear. The Christian life stands in the middle of the pounding seas of life; a beacon, a solid anchorage in the storm. But the strength of that life depends on the sureness of its foundations, and over time, laziness, compromises, indiscretions and lack of maintenance allow them to be eroded. Part of our preventative maintenance program must include times when we are "open for inspection".

Jas.5:16 "Confess your faults to one-another, pray for one-another"
2 Tim.2:19 "The foundation of God stands sure"
Lam.3:40 "Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord"
2 Sam.12:13 "David said to Nathan, 'I have sinned' against the Lord'. Nathan said, 'The Lord has forgiven you, you will not die'"
1 Cor.11:28 "Let a man examine him-self"
Ps.26:2 "Examine me O Lord, and prove me: test my reins and my heart"
1 Sam.15:24 "Saul said to Samuel, 'I have sinned'"


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