Open My Eyes, Illumine Me
But what if you don't have physical sight? Certainly spiritual insight is more important, but physical sight is still our primary means of receiving God's word through reading.
Whilst Australia's sight impaired have access to talking books, guide dogs, Braille literature etc. suffers are mainly the aging. But in a country like India with one tenth of the world's population, it has one third of the world's blind. Though if measured by Australia's definition of technical blindness (10% or less of normal vision), the numbers in India would double to about 20 million. Sadly, most could be prevented or even cured - causes being measles, smallpox, eye infections, and malnutrition (vitamin A deficiency). 50 million of the world's children currently suffer from trachoma, leading to blindness, for the want of tube of ointment. Worldwide blindness is on the whole a disease of poverty. Braille books or tapes are useless if you can't afford an education let alone the price of batteries.
Look for a Christian Blind Mission pamphlet in the rack in the foyer.
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