The Completion of Christ's Suffering

This was one of those verses that stopped me in my tracks. Surely Christ's suffering was completed at Calvary, the redemptive death for the sins of all mankind? But no: Paul writes to the Colossians, that through his own suffering, he is helping to finish the remainder of Christ's suffering.

When we are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus, the suffering of cross carrying is not just some unfortunate side-effect. We are called as partners in Christ's redemptive plan of love to the world. Suffering is the work. We are to hunger and thirst after righteousness, and face persecution. To comfort mourners requires feeling with them. To be a peacemaker requires stepping between warring factions. This is citizenship of the Kingdom.


Col.1:24 "Part of my work is to suffer for you ... for I am helping to finish up the remainder of Christ's suffering for His body, the Church"
Rom.8:17 "Joint heirs with Christ...that we suffer with Him"
Heb.11:25 "Choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God, than pleasures for a season"
1 Pet.2:20 "There is no glory in suffering patiently for your faults. But to suffer patiently when you have done right, this is acceptable to God"
Matt.5:6 "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness"
Matt.5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers; they will be called children of God"
Matt.5:10 "Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake"


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