The Discipline of Freedom
Like most human endeavours, the French revolutionaries got it half right. "Liberty and Fraternity" are both things that God wants for all mankind. But His freedom, is the freedom to choose to be "disciples of Christ". His Brotherhood is not exclusive, but all inclusive, including our "enemies".
Sadly, the history of mankind is littered with groups at either extreme: of legalism and licence; some of the bloodiest wars ever fought have been in the name of religious correctness. It is human nature to want to shake off the shackles of restrictive laws and rules. But freedom can be threatening and frightening, because true freedom brings responsibility. So the "freed" find comfort in banding together, conforming to new conventions and rules, as if "rules" free them from the responsibility of personal decisions. Then soon "evangelism" of the unconverted begins.
What should our attitude be to differences between people? A century ago, one group proclaimed "In essentials, unity! In non-essentials, liberty". Paul's admonitions are for tolerance, generosity in forgiveness, self-sacrificing of some of one's freedoms or 'rights' if they might cause another to stumble. The freedom we have in Christ, is not licence, but a disciplined, responsible freedom, grounded in love.
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