The Duty of Rejoicing

Rejoicing is different from simply being happy. The "re" prefix indicates that it is repeated - be joyful again! Unlike happiness or simple joy, rejoicing is not an emotional response to a stimulus. Among the dictionary definitions for rejoicing, are "festivities" and "celebration" in commemoration.

Christian rejoicing is rooted and grounded in the basis of our faith - the historical facts of what God has done toward us in redemption, blessings and gifting. So much so that rejoicing is written as an imperative, not so much as a command, but rather because of what God has done, the redeemed cannot help themselves but rejoice. So it is that Christian joy is listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit - a "(super)natural" response of living and growing in the Spirit.

Ph.4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always; I repeat. Rejoice!"
Act.4:51 "They departed rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer"
Zec.9:9 "Rejoice greatly O daughters of Zion...Behold! Your King comes to you"
2 Cor.6:10 "Our hearts ache, but at the same time we have the joy of the Lord"
Ps.32:11 "You righteous ones should be glad in the Lord. Rejoice and shout for joy"
1 Pet.4:13 "Rejoice inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's suffering"
1 Th.5:16 "Be happy in your faith, rejoice continually - always"


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