The Good News - God Loves You (and so do I)

Although this phrase borders on American jingoism, to me it simply encapsulates the important duality of the gospel. For Jesus came to make possible the restoration of right relationships between God and man, and that there might be peace among all men.

In my years in youth outreach in coffee shops and beach missions, particularly in a cross-denominational environment, the perennial discussion is about "friendship" evangelism versus "conversion" evangelism. Building friendships is fine as a means of breaking down the barriers to serious communication. But unless the friendship comes from true acceptance and humility rooted in the fact that God accepted and loved me "while I was yet a sinner", then the friendship is false. Equally important is the desire to share the good news of what God has done in my life and is available for all. Our living is the picture for the world to see, our words are the captions and sub-titles.

Rom.15:19 "Through mighty signs and wonders...I have fully preached the gospel"
Ac.16:9 "...a Macedonian appeared and prayed him, come and help us"
1 Jhn.1:3 "We announce what we have seen and heard, so that you will join us in the fellowship we have with the Father and His son Jesus"
Rom.15:21 "...they shall see...they shall understand"
Ps.66:16 "Come and hear...I will declare what he has done for my soul"
Ac.4:13 "When they saw Peter's boldness, they realised that they were friends of Jesus"
1 Ptr.3:15 "Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks the reason for the hope in you, with meekness and fear"


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