The More Things Change . . .

I was reminiscing with a colleague the other day about how much things have changed in our industry since we started in the early 70’s.  And I know some of you have seen many more changes in your life time - two world wars, motor cars, electric light, refrigeration, aeroplanes, wireless, television - the list goes on.

And yet in human relational terms, nothing much has changed since Genesis. Greed, pride, sloth, envy, jealousy, avarice, anger, rebellion, etc are still rampant. Sometimes I think we focus too readily on specific incarnations of sins and forget the fundamental SIN of human nature. Thank God that His accepting love, forgiveness and gift of eternal life have not changed either, that they are the same yesterday, today and forever.

Interestingly, the words ‘fundamental’ and ‘radical’ mean the same thing - pertaining to basic, core things. Let's be radical in exploring ways in reaching out to the world with God’s fundamentals of love, forgiveness and Life.


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