The Seven Loves of the Christian

The Lord God - the pre-eminent command, demanding total love with every fibre of our being.
One's Self - when natural self-love is put under submission to the Holy Spirit, healthy self-respect and self-control develops as the miracle of the Holy Spirit making our bodies His temple, dawns upon us.
Neighbours - the people we encounter in our daily walk, especially anyone in need, is loved by God, equally a (potential) temple of the Holy Spirit, to whom we must show equal love as for our-selves.
Each Other - familial and sibling love now extends to the whole "family" of God into which we have been reborn/adopted as sons and daughters. This is the principal sign to the world around of our membership in this family.
The Stranger - even the stranger who we will never see again, who has no particular need, deserves our hospitality - no strings attached.
The Lost  - these have a need far deeper than our "neighbours". This is the love of Christ on the cross, for those that don't particularly want to be loved. This love also reaches out to those we may never meet.
Your Enemies - perhaps the hardest love - not just for people that we don't get-on with, but for those who don't get-on with us, who actively persecute us.


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