The Spring-time of our Content
“In spring, blossom decorates the land and transforms familiar sites (and sights) into fairytale settings. Sedentary souls stir from winter’s long sleep and awake into spell-bound romantics. Hope comes alive - In Spring”.
The tragedy of this past week has seen another young woman cut down in the prime of life, like our first spring flowers crushed by the hail storm. Not even a Shakespearian tragedy comes close to portraying the intrigue, manipulations, jealousies, bigotry, adulation, etc. that has surrounded this kindergarten teacher come princess. Yet it will be her charitable and humanitarian work that the world will remember, at least in the short term. How history records these events remains to be seen - history’s record is not good in remembering good works.
It is these later works that remind us of another young man, in another place and time, cut down in the prime of his life. A man tempted in every manner possible, yet free of sin. A man who dared to touch lepers, cuddled children, associated with outcasts and untouchables, dined with sinners, accepted and forgave thieves, adulterers and murderers, who called upon his followers to bring “Shalom” to the world. Such a life is “The Spring-time of Our Content” if we are prepared to follow in His steps - Jesus.
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