Today Children, Tomorrow?

If you weren't at the evening service a couple of weeks ago to see 50 of our young people, fresh back from camp, arms linked, singing God's praise, you missed out on a great soul stirring night.

Yet our children grow up so quickly. In a matter of 5 years or less, a thriving church can go into decline if there is no on-going flow through from nursery, pre-school, primary, juniors to youth groups. But even with the best Christian parenting, our children must become children of God in their own right - God has no Grandchildren. They must discover for them-selves God's salvation.

So continue to pray for the youth and children’s leaders and teachers at all levels. The children of today are the church leaders of tomorrow.

Pr.15:20 "A wise son makes his father glad, but a foolish man despises his mother"
Ecl.12:1 "Remember your creator in the days of your youth"
Pr.29:5 "The rod and reproof bring wisdom. A child left to himself brings shame on his mother"
1 Kgs.15:3 "He (Abijam) walked in all the sins of his father...his heart was not perfect with the Lord God"
1 Kgs.15:11 "King Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father"
1 Sam.8:3 "His sons did not walk in his ways...took bribes, perverted justice.."
2 Tim.1:5 "I am reminded of the unfeigned faith in you, which firstly dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice..."


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