When I pray - "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done"
Father? Kingdom? Adopted into a royal family? It all seems too much to comprehend!
Yet I seem to so easily take our relationship for granted.
"Your Kingdom", "Your will". Yes, you are my King as well as my heavenly Father.
Forgive me when I pray "My will be done", instead of "Your will".
Dare I presume to try and change Your mind?
"Will be done!" My faith rises like the soaring eagle at the very words.
Your certainty, my uncertainty. Oh that my will might be at one with yours.
Lk.22:42 "Not my will however, but your will be done"
Mt.7:21 "He that does the will of my father...shall enter His Kingdom"
Jn.5:30 "...do nothing on my own...only what He who sent me wants."
Rm.12:2 "...be transformed...know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God"
Eph.5:17 "...understanding what the will of the Lord is."
1 Jn.5:14 "He hears us if we ask for anything that is according to His will"
Jas.2:5 "...God chosen...rich in faith...heirs of the Kingdom...that love Him"
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