When I pray - "Yours is the Kingdom, the Power, The Glory, Eternally. Amen."

So the circle turns. You are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I approached you as my Heavenly Father, Holy King; I close, reaffirming your Kingship, your omnipotence, your eternal "I Am".

Lord, you have heard my petitions, you know my needs, and again you remind me that it is "Your Will" be done, that it is Your Name and Person who alone is worthy to receive Glory. Let my prayer Lord, always be, first and foremost, the seeking of your perfect will, the seeking of your Lordship over my life, then may I say "Amen - Let is so be".

Jhn.17:5 "Father, glorify me, with the glory I had before the world was"
Rev.21:6 "I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end"
Deu.33:27 "The eternal God is your refuge, underneath are the everlasting arms"
Heb.3:3 "...worthy of more glory..."
Isa.9:6 "...Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
Heb.7:3 "...having neither beginning nor end of life...a priest continually"
Col.1:18 "...head of the Church...first of newborn...in all things pre-eminent"


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