Who Cares for the Carers? (Members Ministries #1)
Did you know that the most significant reason for a Baptist minister to leave the ministry is due to conflicts with the congregation, whereas for Anglican ministers, it is conflict with denominational leaders? If the drop-out rate found among Christian ministers was found in the teaching or medical professions, I'm sure there would be calls for a Royal Commission.
What can be done for these people who have followed God's calling but now find themselves unable to continue? Rowland Croucher has determined to do something about it through "John Mark Ministries".
JMM helps through counselling the 'victims' and those still struggling. Through conferences and seminars, church leaders are made aware of the size and nature of the problem, and counselled in pastoring the pastors. Rowland's books support this ministry as well as being valuable spiritual aids in themselves.
Les Scarborough has joined the JMM team in Sydney. Pray for Rowland in his continuous rounds of speaking engagements - six major engagements in 4 states in June alone.
But what a sad indictment on the average Christian congregation that some ministers become stressed-out, lose self-confidence, and get little support or encouragement.
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